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Watching us, watching them
Guido makes an interesting observation in his post entitled
Hello Home Office Blog Watchers
The Home Office has apparently set up a blog watch facility.
Peter Griffiths, head of the Home Office Information Services Unit told the Online Information Conference in London yesterday -
"Blogs are increasingly used as a political tool. Political blogging has risen rapidly in the last 18 months and will no doubt be important in next year's French elections. The most visited political blog Guido Fawkes is as popular as Private Eye magazine. Fawkes publishes his server logs on his site to show that politicians go there and use the site. "There are stories that appear in the media that we tracked using traditional press cuttings services, but blogging is not tracked by cuttings agencies. Monitoring news is important as so much affects us as a government. "We see a number of newspapers are crediting the blogs that gave them the lead. The Home Office used its library current awareness service to track blogs.
This will be the same Peter Griffiths that appears to have contravened 'The Civil Service Code', by publishing a book entitled:
Setting Up a Library and Information Service from Scratch
Pantry, Sheila and Griffiths, Peter
Facet Publishing, September 2005
ISBN 1 85604 558 7. £29.95
The Civil Service code quite clearly states: 6 You must not:
misuse your official position, for example by using information acquired in the course of your official duties to further your private interests or those of others;
As Head of the Home Office's Information Services Group, Peter Griffiths, is most definitely a Civil Servant, he manages the government department's internet, extranet and intranet services, an internal knowledge base, and a briefing unit for its ministers as well as its library services. He was previously at the Department of Health and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
Sheila Pantry Associates Ltd..
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Voluntary Code Free Zone
Blogs and other internet sites should be covered by a voluntary code of practice similar to that for newspapers in the UK, a conference has been told.
(bbc) Press Complaints Commission director Tim Toulmin said he opposed government regulation of the internet, saying it should be a place "in which views bloom".
But unless there was a voluntary code of conduct there would be no form of redress for people angered at content.
Disillusioned And Bored is 'Blooming'.
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Electoral Commission figures reveal the Tories owe £35.3m (
(click on image)So who's behind
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Spot the Difference

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Levy was one of Blair's disciples and was responsible for the funds for the group. When Blair arrived at Chequers at the end of his ministry, levy went to the chief of police and offered to betray Blair for 30 pieces of silver. He led a crowd to Chequers, and identified Blair with a kiss, thereby delivering Blair into their hands.
"All the disciples forsook him and fled".
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"The fourth emergency service!"
Tony Blair has announced plans to create a network of 'supernannies' across the country to advise parents on how to deal with unruly children.
The Prime Minister said he would spend £4m introducing a national network of experts in a bid to tackle antisocial behaviour.

Dismissing arguments that the initiative might smack of the nanny state as "just rubbish", Blair said: "No-one's talking about interfering in a normal family life.
Well, far from me to interfere with the 'Chief Nanny' but is he sure £4m is enough. You are not going to employ 80 expert psychologists on the national minimum wage and they are also going to require office accommodation, IT support, light, heat and fuel for the transport, which also has to be provided.The starting salary for a graduate trainee psychologist is likely to be around £20,000 a year. For more experienced psychologists, salaries can range between £22,500 and £37,000 a year. Senior psychologists, responsible for managing a department and a number of staff, can earn from £37,000 to £60,000.
Psychologists in the private sector or in industry may earn up to £100,000.
All sounds a bit 'Mary Poppins' to me
Um fiddle diddle, um diddle lie
Super nanny unrealistic figures quite atrocious .
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Moscow's man in Europe
On the day that Alexander Litvinenko the poisoned ex Russian spy is moved into intensive care,
Moscow's man in Europe Romano Prodi has
removed three top secret intelligence officials today .
Meanwhile an Italian professor Mr Scaramella who met Litvinenko at a Japanese restaurant in London shortly before he fell ill has gone into hiding after being
interviewed by British intelligence officials in Rome.
Mr Scaramella, said to be "well-connected" in the intelligence community, has gone into hiding. Friends said he had spoken to British intelligence after realising he was the last person to have seen Mr Litvinenko. However, reports in Italy suggest Mr Scaramella was a member of
SISMI , the Italian secret services
Read between the lines.
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Democracy is not a spectator sport

Three petitions my readers may wish to sign, just click on the links.
EU ReferendumWe the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Offer the British people a referendum on continued membership of the European Union.
Deadline to sign up by: 15 February 2007http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/EUreferendum/English Parliament
We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to agree to the setting up of an English Parliament.
Deadline to sign up by: 16 May 2007http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/England/No to ID Cards
We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to scrap the proposed introduction of ID cards.
Deadline to sign up by: 15 February 2007http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/IDcards/?signed=1Don't forget to pass this information to family, friends and acquaintances..
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Is one bovverd

Written by the government and delivered by the reigning monarch, the Queen's Speech sets out the legislative agenda for the year ahead and is the centrepiece of the state opening of Parliament.
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French Finance Minister Thierry Breton has said that the
European Union Working Time Directive has forced up the price of a baguette. It has risen by 23 percent over the past five years
"The cost of the 35-hour week is included in the rise of the price of a baguette since 2001, and this has been hidden too much from the French," Breton told
L'Express magazine in an interview published on Tuesday.
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Niggers jailed for life
Three armed Niggers have been jailed for life for a reign of "sadistic and brutal violence" that left victims convinced they would die.
They spent months cruising London at night with guns, knives and baseball bats, kidnapping motorists and pedestrians and beating them almost senseless as if they were nothing more than "characters in an arcade game."

As blood poured from their wounds they were stripped of their valuables and warned of further suffering unless they handed over their pin numbers.Threats ranged from being shot and having their throats slit to their eyes being gouged and being burnt alive.
Oh for fuck sake, a 'spade is a blackman'
the word nigger has evolved over time..
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Hot topic for Smoking Turkey's
Six prisoners and former inmates forced to stop taking drugs by going "cold turkey" are to receive payments. The unspecified settlement followed claims the practice amounted to assault and a breach of human rights.
Well, that's buggered up the statutory statement given in the 2006 Health Act 2006, which bans smoking in public places. It doesn't comply with the Human Rights Act 1998
As an addicted, heavy smoking bar fly, being forced to go into the cold like a turkey, when wishing to smoke and drink in a public place, contravenes my human rights..
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France gets it's act together
France has sent a stiff complaint to Brussels about the European Union’s choice of logo to commemorate its 50th birthday next year (
EUobserver )
In a letter to José Manuel Barroso, President of the EU Commission, They say they object to the logo becuse it is in English and it looks like an inferior version of the logo for Google. They hate the playful R (registered in a circle) which makes the Union look like a commercial product.

French voters rejected the European Constitution last year in a referendum largely because the Union is seen as an Anglo-Saxon commercial venture.
The logo cost €200,000 (£134,000)
How do you say
Caveat Emptor in french
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Britain under Attack
Britain is "wide open'' to alien Attack after a Government department was closed down. (
Evening Standard)
Despite a series of "highly credible'' sightings and landings in UK territory of metallic aircraft projecting lightbeams and emitting humming sounds, there was no longer formal interviewing of witnesses or investigation into the sightings, said Nick Pope, who ran the Ministry of Defence UFO project from 1991 to 1994.
Mr Pope said the consequences of getting it wrong could be "huge".
"If you reported a UFO sighting now, I am absolutely sure you would just get back a standard letter telling you not to worry.
Of course this gentleman is right, we already have proof that these aliens, in there mysterious space craft have started the phenomenon of 'global warming.' They need to do this in order to provide a suitable climate in which they can live.
Questions must be asked, is the head of MI5, Dame Eliza Manningham-Buller
really keeping her eye on the ball or is she an alien mole.
Well, she obviously couldn't recognise a real terrorist, this is the woman who demonstrates computer graphics to blindmen..
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Neddy's for Neds
EMBARRASSED Scottish fire bosses have ditched a leaflet that told members of the public to climb on a donkey before trying to escape a blaze.

The leaflet by the
Scottish Executive for the eight fire and rescue services was aimed at Urdu readers.
"Never jump out of a window straight. Put yourself on a donkey and come down.".
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Winning Isn't Everything
Organised sports provides us with a great opportunity for learning important skills like
Value Added Tax

Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Articles 99 and 100 thereof, we present European Union Directive
(77/388/EEC) .
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Catholics blamed for global warming
A Yorkshire MP has dubbed Bonfire Night a
"cataclysmic disaster" for the environment urging people not to light fires in their gardens this weekend.
Huddersfield MP Barry Sheerman said people had to recognise the connection between their actions and the planet's future. He said: "Too many people will pussyfoot around because they think it's part of their heritage to have a bonfire in the back garden and burn a Catholic on it.

So there you have it, logic would suggest, that if the Catholic plot to blow up parliament had been successful then we wouldn't have Bonfire night.
Save the planet and celebrate terrorism.
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Melly Clistmas
Groaning with gifts and larger than any sledge, the world's biggest container ship has just docked in Felixstowe with this years Christmas.

The voyage is the ship's first from China to England and was specifically planned to deliver Christmas stocks to shopkeepers - including a haul of electronic dinosaurs, radio-controlled cars, pinball machines and computers.
So there you have it kids, Santa can't function in the European Union. He has killed off Rudolph and now claims that the 'Reds Reign Dear'.
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The European Union, well, lets face...it
A CABINET rift has opened up between Margaret Beckett, the Foreign Secretary, and Geoff Hoon, the Europe Minister.
Relations between Mrs Beckett and her No 2 reached breaking point yesterday after she refused to allow Mr Hoon the chance to answer questions in yesterday’s monthly Foreign and Commonwealth Office session in the House of Commons
A spokesman said: “He has been totally reasonable, but Margaret appears determined not to let him speak".