Tosser Tory Tora
David Cameron has said: "A child born into poverty in 1970 was more likely to escape poverty in adulthood than a child born into poverty in 1990. That is a terrible, unforgivable fact and we must act to ensure that the next generation does not fare even worse". (The Observer)

But as Tim Worstall points out: "anyone born in 1990 is 16 years of age or so. How in hell are you going to try and measure social mobility, poverty in adulthood or anything else very useful about lifetime incomes at that age?"
In the mean time, we here that the Sunday Telegraph has censored the Booker column
I was told by the SunTel editor today that my item attacking Cameron is to be dropped. This is the first time such a thing has happened since I began writing the column 16 years ago. (Christopher Booker email to Richard North)

Read the censored Booker column HERE

But as Tim Worstall points out: "anyone born in 1990 is 16 years of age or so. How in hell are you going to try and measure social mobility, poverty in adulthood or anything else very useful about lifetime incomes at that age?"
In the mean time, we here that the Sunday Telegraph has censored the Booker column
I was told by the SunTel editor today that my item attacking Cameron is to be dropped. This is the first time such a thing has happened since I began writing the column 16 years ago. (Christopher Booker email to Richard North)

Read the censored Booker column HERE
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