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EU-geld ('exceedingly bad')
European Union wants a £510 income taxBRUSSELS politicians have drawn up proposals to create a European income tax which would leave Britons shelling out £510 a year to the superstate.
(Sunday Express)
It is always a temptation to an armed and agile nation
To call upon a neighbour and to say: --
"We invaded you last night--we are quite prepared to fight,
Unless you pay us cash to go away."
And that is called asking for EU-geld,
And the people who ask it explain
That you've only to pay 'em the EU-geld
And then you'll get rid of Brussels!
It is always a temptation for a rich and lazy nation,
To puff and look important and to say: --
"Though we know we should defeat you, we have not the time to meet you.
We will therefore pay you cash to go away."
And that is called paying the EU-geld;
But we've proved it again and again,
That if once you have paid him the EU-geld
You never get rid of Brussels.
It is wrong to put temptation in the path of any nation,
For fear they should succumb and go astray;
So when you are requested to pay up or be molested,
You will find it better policy to say: --
"We never pay any-one EU-geld,
No matter how trifling the cost;
For the end of that game is oppression and shame,
And the nation that pays it is lost!"
Hat tip Rudyard Kipling
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Smoking Kills ?

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This advertisement shows smokers being violently seized by a fish-hook and dragged to their traditional smoking spots.
It is part of a campaign to ban smoking in Iraq.
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Hook, line and face like a sphincter
A government anti-smoking ad will start in the New Year (BBC)The ad shows a smoker being violently seized by a fish-hook
It illustrates how addictive and controlling the NHS habit is.
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Hippocratic !......?
Former health minister and current Labour Party chairman Hazel Blears defended her decision to criticise Government policy by joining a street protest against the closure of maternity services in her constituency. The Salford MP denied that her position was hypocritical. She said: "I am doing what any other constituent Member of Parliament would do.

"I am putting forward the views of the people of Eccles and Salford. They feel very strongly about local services. I am not campaigning against Cabinet policy, which is to ensure that the NHS is the safest and the best that it can be." She denied that her intervention was incompatible with her position as chairman of the party, in which role she is required to impose discipline on other Labour MPs.
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European Union 'Citizen Soldiers' (IRAQ)
A European Union citizen leader of a Member States armed forces in southern Iraq made an unprecedented appeal Wednesday for support for beleaguered European Union citizen soldiers serving under his command in Iraq
'The European Union member state that pay our wages needs to support these men. The European Union member state needs to support its Army," eluded Major General Richard Shirreff.
In an interview with BBC News 24 channel, he referred to the need for support in terms of training, infrastructure, barracks, accommodation as well as looking after properly, European Union citizen soldiers, who had been wounded.
His warning comes after a European Union member states troops destroyed Jameat police station in Basra on Monday that led to conflict and further tension with local Iraqi authorities.
It also follows the European Union member states Defence Minister Derek Twigg admitting last month that armed forces were "stretched" with sizeable deployment in Iraq, Afghanistan and the Balkans, but insisted that troops were "not over-stretched."
The European Member state general refused to blame the current government for the present difficulties, but repeated that the military covenant between the European Union member state and its European Union citizen soldiers was "seriously out of kilter." Shirreff also suggested that the European member states ambitions in Iraq had been scaled back from the 2003 invasion and that the demolition of the police station had been a turning point.
The MoD minister, Lord Drayson said, its all ok we have invested 3 billion into the European Defence Agency recently.
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Dog bites man
Large-scale European Union funding fraud uncovered in Spain
The Civil Guard have arrested 18 members of a network who have defrauded more than 2.6 million € of European Union funding in subsidies for EU training courses.
(Typically Spanish).
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Party funding
The Labour Party is facing a crisis because of a long-term decline in its membership
Figures show Labour's membership has fallen to 198,026, this is half the number of members it had in 1997, when it peaked at 405,000.
A review into political party funding is due to publish its recommendations in January.
What's the betting, the outcome will be, 'screw the public'.
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.hguone yrrem t'nsi ti ,siht daer nac uoy fI
won ,dluow I taht wenk I ,doog leef I !ao-ao_aohW.
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The great glad tidings tell

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Bowles v. Bank of England
Bowles v. Bank of England, [1913] 1 Ch. 57, 84-85
By the statute 1 W. & M., usually known as the Bill of Rights, it was finally settled that there could be no taxation in this country except under authority of an Act of Parliament. The Bill of Rights still remains unrepealed, and no practice or custom, however prolonged, or however acquiesced in on the part of the subject, can be relied on by the Crown as justifying any infringement of its provisions. It follows that, with regard to the powers of the Crown to levy taxation, no resolution, either of the Committee for Ways and Means or of the House itself, has any legal effect whatever. Such resolutions are necessitated by a parliamentary procedure adopted with a view to the protection of the subject against the hasty imposition of taxes, and it would be strange to find them relied on as justifying the Crown in levying a tax before such tax is actually imposed by Act of Parliament.It seems that Gordon Brown is in deep do do, concerning the levying of Air Passenger Duty, which was announced in the Pre-Budget Report.
Iain Dales DiaryEdw. II 1322 Revocatio Novarum Ordinationum
"Ordinances or provisions concerning the King and the realm made by subjects shall be void and none such shall be made except by the King, Lords and Commons in Parliament".oh hm
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Vote early, vote often.
The short list is now up on the BBC Radio 4 Today site
Repeal the European Communities Act 1972 by ringing this number 0901 5221004
Alternatively you can visit the BBC radio 4 Today site and vote for its repeal on line
http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/today/vote/2006vote/vote_index2.shtmlDon't forget delete your cookies and vote again.
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Kaputt Seit 2005
This week in Helsinki during a meeting with Finnish Prime Minister Matti Vanhanen German Chancellor Angela Merkel officially assumed the presidency of the European Union.
Less than two weeks before Germany assumes the EU presidency, the country wants the ailing EU treaty back on track. German Chancellor Angela Merkel said she hoped the ailing EU constitution would be put "back on track" and called on members to focus on their common interests.
"I would consider it an historical failure if we do not succeed in working out the substance of the constitutional treaty by the time the next European elections take place," Merkel said in her speech, which was meant to set out the aims of Germany's EU presidency which starts in January,'' The chancellor added that she and the German government would work
"intensively" during the six-month presidency
"so that such a treaty, based on our common values, can go into force." 
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Anoneumouse response to CM 6923
Tom Wilson
Clerk to the Committee
Select Committee on the Constitution
House of Lords
I am most grateful to be given an opportunity to comment upon the Governments Response to the House of Lords Constitution Committees, Fifteenth Report of Session 2005-06- "Waging War: Parliaments role and responsibility"
(CM 6923)
First of all and with respect, may I suggest, that the Constitutional committee, needs to disabuse and quite rightly so, both the Prime Minister and the un-elected Secretary of State for Constitutional Affairs, in that their assertions made at para 4 and 5, are incorrect.
"……..That existing and legal and constitutional convention is that it must be the Government which takes the decision in accordance with its own assessment of the position. That is one of the key responsibilities for which it has been elected……"
The Government (the executive) is
not elected but is drawn from the legislature, Parliament; The Government of the United Kingdom is carried on in the name of HM The Queen. The
principle of Collective Ministerial Responsibility is that all the Queen's principal ministers - ("the Cabinet") are collectively responsible to Parliament for the conduct of Her Majesty's Government.
However, and this should be noted, it is only a
principle. The Cabinet is not formally recognised by Parliament or the Courts and that the institutions and practices which have grown up are not in legislation nor in Common Law nor in the law and custom of Parliament.
Further, the weasel phrase at para 5
"it would be almost impossible to identify a set of circumstances, which would allow the Government to act without parliamentary support" is in my view the 'straw man' in this Governments response.
UK Governments since the 1972 have claimed that European Law is "supreme" in the UK .
In November 2005, under the provision of the Royal Prerogative, the Prime Minister signed up to the European Union Constitutional Treaty, which quite clearly states at TITLE III
Article I-16 Member States shall actively and unreservedly support the Union's common foreign and security policy in a spirit of loyalty and mutual solidarity and shall comply with the Union's action in this area. They shall refrain from action contrary to the Union's interests or likely to impair its effectiveness.Although the European Union Constitutional Treaty has yet to be ratified, a similar clause is in existence within the current EU Treaty at
Article 224.The UK government has already committed
troops and
treasure to the European Union.
What would be the position in law if the EU attempted to impose its will on the UK?
Back in 1973 it was almost impossible to identify a set of circumstances, which would allow the Common Market to become a federal state.Anoneumouse.
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Any Answers
LORD Levy and some of Tony Blair's closest aides face further questioning in the "cash-for-honours" saga as Scotland Yard detectives prepare to present their report to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS)

Former Labour chairman Ian McCartney along with former party general secretary Matt Carter and Downing Street aides, Ruth Turner and John McTernan are understood to have been included on a 'final' list of witnesses deemed worthy of further investigation by Yates of the yard
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(NALO) No Altitude Low Opening
Parachute training in the Army is set to be halted for four years as part of a £1 billion cost-cutting programme by the Ministry of Defence (MoD).

Documents leaked to The
Sunday Telegraph reveal that no new recruits or even serving members of the Parachute Regiment or airborne forces will be trained in military parachuting from next year until 2011. It will then take a year to get the Army's 2,500 paratroopers up to scratch.
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It has been a difficult couple of years for the European Union. But German Chancellor Angela Merkel, soon to take over the rotating EU presidency, wants to re-invent the club. She got off to a good start on Thursday in Brussels. (

The expectations for the Germans are high -- despite the best efforts of Merkel and Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier to dampen them. After the French and Dutch rejections of the EU constitution during referenda held in the spring of 2005, the EU chose to grant itself a period of reflection. With Germany's presidency, however, that period is coming to an end. The controversial constitution has been lying on the shelf for a year and a half now, and Merkel has said she wants to bring it back to life. EU Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso upped the pressure once more on Thursday evening, pointing out before dinner that significant development is required.

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Welcome to my world

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Repeal an ACT for Christmas
Here's your chance to embarrass the Europhile BBCThey want you to suggest a law which you think should be scrapped.
Which is Britain's least useful or most damaging law?
My suggestion.........
European Communities Act 1972
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"expensive technological white elephant"
The European Union Commission is looking for new ways to benefit from Galileo navigation system (

The public consultation will last four months and will take place through the standard web-based instruments. In parallel, a contest for young inventors will be launched to promote innovative ideas on the use of satellite navigation technologies and services
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Scotland, Better off in
We are constantly being told by Europhile Politicians that we have to solemnly honour our treaty obligations with the European Union.
The UK Government draws up on its LEGAL BASIS from the Act of the Union. (
a treaty) Article 4 of the Act of Union states:
"That all the subjects of the United Kingdom of Great Britain shall from and after the Union………have the same Rights Privileges and Advantages"
The people of Scotland, since devolution, have had different rights, privileges and advantages over those of the people of England.
The Government spend per a head
England £6,361
Scotland £7,597
Wales £7,248
Northern Ireland £8,216
Read more in the
The treaty of union is therefore null and void and England or Scotland can withdraw using the provision of Article 61 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties.
Article 61 Supervening impossibility of performanceA party may invoke the impossibility of performing a treaty as a ground for terminating or withdrawing from it if the impossibility results from the permanent disappearance or destruction of an object indispensable for the execution of the treaty. If the impossibility is temporary, it may be invoked only as a ground for suspending the operation of the treaty.
That is the Reasonable Answer to the West Lothian Question but the band plays on...

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Evening News
Is the Ipswich murderer a product of a broken marriage? I spoke to a Tory supporter tonight who once visited Ipswich and he said he didn't have a clue.
However, Border Television have discovered that a resident within their coverage area once visited Ipswich.
Anoneumouse, never been to Ipswich, The Anglo Saxon Chronicle' @ 10
and finally
Soldiers are still being killed in Iraq and Afghanistan for lack of adequate equipment.
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Tory Minstrel
The Conservative Party is calling for an image of David Cameron "blacked up" as a minstrel on a Labour councillor's website to be removed.
Bob Piper, who is a councillor in Sandwell, West Midlands, said the picture was meant to be satirical.
No Bob, the above is satire
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Victorian values, says key Tory
Benjamin Disraeli's novel Sybil, published in 1845
Two nations between whom there is no intercourse and no sympathy; who are ignorant of each other's habits, thoughts and feelings, as if they were dwellers in different zones or inhabitants of different planets; who are formed by different breeding, are fed by different food, are ordered by different manners, and are not governed by the same laws ...In Sybil, Disraeli touches on many aspects of town life, from the dosing of babies with laudanum to keep them drugged and quiet at home while their mothers worked, to the plight of the handloom weavers and the ever-present threat of social unrest.
However, like others before and since, he is at a loss to suggest a realistic cure for lifes ills, proposing that the answer might somehow lie in a return to traditional values.
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Slap a Hoodie

Dominic Grieve, the shadow Attorney General, told
The Observer that people who slapped others or scuffled with youths while trying to stop crimes being committed should not be prosecuted. His words mark a clear break with David Cameron's 'hug a hoodie' rhetoric. Asked about family breakdowns, he said the strict Victorian approach to family life had, in some ways, been successful, adding that parents must be responsible for their children and communities
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I am 51, I have smoked 60 cigarettes a day since I was 20, prior to that, 20 till 18 and 40 till 20. I have been a recreational binge drinker since I was 16 and nowadays, I have at least a bottle of wine a day. I masturbate daily but have never had the urge to stand for parliament and until, 'Very' recently, I used to have sex with a woman at least 4 times a week. I have never administered domestos, dettol, TCP or used non prescribed drugs. I blog almost daily and yet, I have never had a 'cold'
oh 'L',
What am I doing wrong?.
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Caption Competition

The winner, so far!
Well, Dave, it's funny you should ask!
I prefer Fast-acting Wrinkle reducer by hydroderm. I used to depend upon OHT Peptide, but Cherie started losing hair, so I changed over!.
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Brown's Pre-Budget Report

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DOCTORS issued more than 3.5 million prescriptions for antidepressants in Scotland last year, three times what they were handing out 13 years ago.
(Scotsman) Scotland spends 40 per cent more per head of population on
antidepressants compared to the rest of the UK.
Dr Andrew McCulloch, chief executive of the Mental Health Foundation, said a likely explanation for the increase in prescriptions was that more people were seeking help from their doctor, rather than that Scotland was becoming a more depressed country.
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Down under par

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Cash for Dishonour
Open Letter to our so-called legislators
By Helen Szamuely I note in this morning’s newspaper that you have so far forgotten the honour that is being a Member of the House of Commons is as to complain, not for the first time, about your remuneration. Apparently, the basic salary of £60,277 for a back-bencher with an average allowance of £134,000 is insufficient for your individual needs or for the position you seek to occupy in society. And that is not reckoning the assured high pension out of public funds at a time when the Chancellor of the Exchequer has ensured that other pension funds get ever lower.
It seems that you feel that your salaries have fallen behind those of people in comparable occupation. Dear me. What comparable occupations would those be? I note that one MP, who had enough shame to want to remain anonymous, has groused that he was earning considerably less than the local GP.
This is not a particularly useful argument. In the first place, GPs pay their staff out of their basic salary. In the second place, GPs are not in “comparable” occupation. General Practitioners work and many of them work very hard. We know what they do. We see them when we are ill, when our children are ill, when our aged and not so aged relatives are ill.
What is it you do, ladies and gentlemen that would justify yet another pay rise? Do you legislate? Well, not in the eighty per cent of the legislation that comes, one way or another from the European Union and is passed on the nod because you do not have the right to reject or amend it. Let’s face it, you do not even bother to read most of it. There is a lot of material there, I agree, but it is you and your equally greedy predecessors, who made sure of this state of affairs.
Let us not forget, ladies and gentlemen, Members of the House of Commons, that a good deal of that legislation does not even pass through Parliament. It arrives in the shape of EU Regulations, which are directly applicable and are put into place by Statutory Instruments, which you know nothing about, or regulations created by quangos such as the Food Standards Agency.
What of the remaining twenty per cent of the legislation? Do you live up to the expectations of the people, whom you are supposed to represent? Do you read the legislative proposals or Green Papers or Bills? Do you realize how badly drafted many of the last are? It would appear not, as those badly drafted Bills wing their way through the House of Commons and it is only when the (unpaid) Members of the House of Lords start scrutinizing them, line by line, clause by clause (something you ought to do, ladies and gentlemen, Members of the House of Commons) that the full shoddiness or horror becomes clear.
It is not unknown for the Government to have to rush scores, even hundreds of amendments at a late stage, say Report, in the House of Lords, having not realized before what a mess the particular piece of legislation was. It is many years since the House of Commons has made any effort to scrutinize legislation with any attention. GPs who carried out their duties the way you do, ladies and gentlemen, would be struck of the Register of Medical Practitioners.
Do you take part in debates, ladies and gentlemen? Not if the evidence of those empty benches is anything to go by.
Do you pay attention to political developments inside and outside the country? Again, the evidence of our senses tells us no. None of you seem to have the first idea about what is happening to this country’s defence; how business operates; the extent to which education has been destroyed; or, for that matter, what it is the people who elected you really care about.
It is well known among us political researchers that briefing MPs is a complete waste of time. They do not bother to read even the simplest and shortest text, unless it consists of a couple of sound-bites that they can produce for a passing journalist or cameraman.
Do you ever attend political seminars of briefings organized by various think-tanks? Nobody has seen a single one of you except on the rare occasion when a leading member of your party gives the talk. Then you strut around, hoping that your zeal will be noticed. But would you, ladies and gentlemen of the Conservative Party, attend a seminar on free markets given by some leading economist at the Institute of Economic Affairs, as Margaret Thatcher used to? Let me know when you intend to. I want to be there.
Ah yes, but there are constituency matters. How many surgeries do you hold, ladies and gentlemen, Members of the House of Commons? If other professionals attended as few meetings as you do, far from getting pay rises, they would be out on their ears.
Do you write the letters to your constituents or is there a hard-working and seriously underpaid secretary who does all that with the help of a not so hard-working but equally underpaid researcher? Unless, of course, the secretary or researcher happens to be your spouse/offspring/other relative.
Who are these people in “comparable occupation” who can get away with as little work and be of as little use as you are? Why do you think that the number of people who can be bothered to vote for you decreases with every election?
You are, of course, in the fortunate position of being able to extract money from the public purse without having to prove to anyone that you deserve it, as you are, supposedly, the guardians of that purse. Try to recall what happened to the King who behaved that way. In fact, King Charles I’s belief in the divine right of kings was balanced by his belief in the duties of the monarch as well. Whether he fulfilled those duties well, is irrelevant. He believed he had them.
Do you believe you have duties to fulfil? Or have you simply inherited the mantle of the overbearing ruler without the knowledge or understanding of what that ruler saw as his task on this earth?
Ladies and Gentlemen, Members of the House of Commons, may I suggest that instead of demanding a greater share of the public wealth, which you have, in any case, managed to reduce through your incompetence and idleness, you start meditating on whether the people whom you are supposed to represent are likely to allow you to continue in your already overpaid position for much longer.
I would suggest, if you agree with the sentiments expressed in this letter, then take a copy and e-mail it to your member of Parliament.
You can find the e-mail address or contact details for you MP by clicking
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Tosser Tory Tora
David Cameron has said:
"A child born into poverty in 1970 was more likely to escape poverty in adulthood than a child born into poverty in 1990. That is a terrible, unforgivable fact and we must act to ensure that the next generation does not fare even worse". (The Observer) 
But as
Tim Worstall points out: "
anyone born in 1990 is 16 years of age or so. How in hell are you going to try and measure social mobility, poverty in adulthood or anything else very useful about lifetime incomes at that age?" In the mean time, we here that the Sunday Telegraph has censored the Booker column
I was told by the SunTel editor today that my item attacking Cameron is to be dropped. This is the first time such a thing has happened since I began writing the column 16 years ago. (
Christopher Booker email to Richard North)
Read the censored Booker column HERE .
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Home grown vegetables
Everyone knows that the European Union CAP (Common Agricultural Policy) isn’t working, but most have difficulty in agreeing on what the policy instruments for change should be.
David Cameron will today step up pressure on the fast food industry by urging families to buy local produce and spend more time preparing home-cooked meals.
(Daily Mail)Mr Cameron will urge people to grow their own vegetables and cut down on 'food miles' - the distance that produce travels around the European Union before landing on dinner tables - to help the environment.
Try something new todaySatisfy your inner Tosser and work out your 'food mile' costs by clicking Here