
Saturday, June 03, 2006

Feel free to copy, there is no copyright on an Anoneumouse montage. (click on image to enlarge)

Freedom to Serf

During the Middle Ages peasants did not belong to themselves. Everything they owned, their food, homes, and animals all belonged to the lord of the manor. Known as serfs, peasants were required to work for 50 days for their lord and in return were allowed to farm their own piece of land. The peasants were not free to leave the manor and were required to ask for permission. To gain freedom a peasant had to save money for his own land or marry a free person.

We have come a long way since the Middle Ages

Today, is tax freedom day, you have worked 154 days for your master and what have you got in return?

It's a tribute to New Labour and particulaly Enron Brown's skill with "stealth" taxes that so few people seem to have noticed the huge rise in taxes that has overtaken them. But Tax Freedom Day is a clear measure of the total burden which he can't escape.

And don't forget that Enron Brown has been on a borrowing binge, which future taxpayers will have to pay for. Adding that burden I estimate it will push the date out to 11 June by 2007.


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