Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Feel free to copy, there is no copyright on an Anoneumouse montage. (click on image to enlarge)Saturday, December 27, 2008
Feel free to copy, there is no copyright on an Anoneumouse montage. (click on image to enlarge)Czech Mate
On the 1st of January 2009 the Czech Republic take up the mantel of the 6 months European Union rotating presidency.
To the tune of..."Good King Wenceslas"
EU dissident Václav Klaus looked out
On the feast of Stephen
When the EU lay all about
Shallow in shit and evil
Brightly shone the moon that night
Though the frost was cruel
When the Gazprom man came in sight
Turning off the winter fuel
If you feel like adding other verses place them in the comments.
To the tune of..."Good King Wenceslas"
EU dissident Václav Klaus looked out
On the feast of Stephen
When the EU lay all about
Shallow in shit and evil
Brightly shone the moon that night
Though the frost was cruel
When the Gazprom man came in sight
Turning off the winter fuel
If you feel like adding other verses place them in the comments.
Universal, suitable for all

The culture secretary, Andy Burnham, says in an interview today that the government is considering the need for websites to be registered with cinema-style age warnings – to curb access to offensive or damaging online material. (Telegraph)
Friday, December 26, 2008
Feel free to copy, there is no copyright on an Anoneumouse montage. (click on image to enlarge)Thursday, December 25, 2008
Feel free to copy, there is no copyright on an Anoneumouse montage. (click on image to enlarge)Waes-Hael Englalond
Question: What is terrorism? Is there such a thing as a 'just cause?'
"If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a small chance of survival. There may even be a worse case: you may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves."
(Winston Churchill)
2009 is the year to rise up and slaughter the oppressor
When a Child is Born…Peace and Goodwill to all Men except those that serve the undemocratic European Union.
avi maria
"If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a small chance of survival. There may even be a worse case: you may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves."
(Winston Churchill)
2009 is the year to rise up and slaughter the oppressor
When a Child is Born…Peace and Goodwill to all Men except those that serve the undemocratic European Union.
avi maria
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Feel free to copy, there is no copyright on an Anoneumouse montage. (click on image to enlarge)Santa's Sack
Have you ever wondered how Father Christmas manages to fit all the presents he needs in just one sack?

HELLO boys and girls! I hope you've all been good this year and are expecting something nice from Father Christmas!
Yuletide Felicitations

HELLO boys and girls! I hope you've all been good this year and are expecting something nice from Father Christmas!
Yuletide Felicitations
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Feel free to copy, there is no copyright on an Anoneumouse montage. (click on image to enlarge)Are Zac Goldsmith’s condoms green?
And do we really want to know?
I too heard a whisper
First you see it then you don’t, but thanks to Google Cached you can see it again.

Guido has his version of the Zac Goldsmith e-mail mystery here
I too heard a whisper
First you see it then you don’t, but thanks to Google Cached you can see it again.

Guido has his version of the Zac Goldsmith e-mail mystery here
Labour Flu (ZANUL1)
The flu season is now well under way, already hitting last year's peak in terms of the numbers who have visited their GP with symptoms. New figures from the Royal College of GPs due out tomorrow are expected to show that its the worse figures since Labour came to power 11 years ago.
One difference this winter, however, is that the virus seems to be affecting the wage earning 15-44 age group more than the older people who rely on these buggers to pay taxes so they can enjoy their pensions (Mail)
Many thousands of people are risking death or serious illness from
MRSA and C-dif if they are hospitalised by failing to get a flu jab.
Vote Labour, you know it makes sense.
One difference this winter, however, is that the virus seems to be affecting the wage earning 15-44 age group more than the older people who rely on these buggers to pay taxes so they can enjoy their pensions (Mail)
Many thousands of people are risking death or serious illness from
MRSA and C-dif if they are hospitalised by failing to get a flu jab.
Vote Labour, you know it makes sense.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Feel free to copy, there is no copyright on an Anoneumouse montage. (click on image to enlarge)May the Force be with us
The nine principles of Policing by Sir Robert Peel
- The basic mission for which the police exist is to prevent crime and disorder.
- The ability of the police to perform their duties is dependent upon the public approval of police actions.
- Police must secure the willing co-operation of the public in voluntary observation of the law to be able to secure and maintain the respect of the public.
- The degree of co-operation of the public that can be secured diminishes proportionately to the necessity of the use of physical force.
- Police seek and preserve public favour not by catering to public opinion, but by constantly demonstrating absolute impartial service to the law.
- Police use physical force to the extent necessary to secure observance of the law or to restore order only when the exercise of persuasion, advice, and warning is found to be insufficient.
- Police, at all times, should maintain a relationship with the public that gives reality to the historic tradition that the police are the public and the public are the police; the police being only members of the public who are paid to give full-time attention to duties which are incumbent upon every citizen in the interests of community welfare and existence.
- Police should always direct their action strictly towards their functions, and never appear to usurp the powers of the judiciary.
- The test of police efficiency is the absence of crime and disorder, not the visible evidence of police action in dealing with it.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Feel free to copy, there is no copyright on an Anoneumouse montage. (click on image to enlarge)Use the Baby Oil Mr Brown
Gordon Brown has been told to cut fuel taxes by the head of the OPEC group of oil-producing nations, amid a row over who is to blame for high petrol prices in Britain. (Telegraph)

Abdullah al-Badri, the Secretary-General of Opec, accused Mr Brown of being "confused" about energy policy after the Prime Minister warned that prices would rise again unless oil states invested more in their production.
Mr al-Badri said it was Mr Brown who had pushed up British petrol prices by putting too much tax on fuel.

Abdullah al-Badri, the Secretary-General of Opec, accused Mr Brown of being "confused" about energy policy after the Prime Minister warned that prices would rise again unless oil states invested more in their production.
Mr al-Badri said it was Mr Brown who had pushed up British petrol prices by putting too much tax on fuel.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Feel free to copy, there is no copyright on an Anoneumouse montage. (click on image to enlarge)Global Warming affects Ambulance Service
Ambulance services in England have just endured their busiest week ever after the coldest start to a winter for 30 years which has allegedly caused a sharp rise in falls and breathing problems (you just cant believe Government staistics). This, combined with the flu season beginning early and an outbreak of the vomiting bug norovirus, has placed NHS emergency services under intense pressure.
The Health Secretary, Alan Johnson, has been forced to deny that hospitals and the ambulance service are at breaking point after a senior NHS leader warned A&E departments were struggling to cope with an unprecedented winter illness season. (Telegraph)
Things can only get better
The Health Secretary, Alan Johnson, has been forced to deny that hospitals and the ambulance service are at breaking point after a senior NHS leader warned A&E departments were struggling to cope with an unprecedented winter illness season. (Telegraph)
Things can only get better
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Feel free to copy, there is no copyright on an Anoneumouse montage. (click on image to enlarge)Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Feel free to copy, there is no copyright on an Anoneumouse montage. (click on image to enlarge)The European Union say's scrap Royal Mail

That is the real story behind the Lord Mandelson spin today. The report by Richard Hooper describing the current Royal Mail as "untenable" and that it is under threat without modernisation.
Really means it is untenable because the European Union says so.
Read more Here
and then click on image below

Never stand behind an elephant
Friday, December 12, 2008
Feel free to copy, there is no copyright on an Anoneumouse montage. (click on image to enlarge)Save the world kill a Greenie
Everybody knows that the EU states will not reach the climate change targets that they set themselves and that there is no penalty if they ignore what was agreed today
Everybody knows that the EU states will not fist their stimulus and there is no penalty if they ignore what was agreed today
Everybody knows that the EU states put pressure on Ireland to vote again
If we kill off all the stupid people who would vote 'NO' to the EU we will have a Lisbon Treaty
If we kill off all the stupid people who believe in Global Warming we can cut man made carbon by 800 million percent.
Gosh this home brew is great and only 15p a quart
Everybody knows that the EU states will not fist their stimulus and there is no penalty if they ignore what was agreed today
Everybody knows that the EU states put pressure on Ireland to vote again
If we kill off all the stupid people who would vote 'NO' to the EU we will have a Lisbon Treaty
If we kill off all the stupid people who believe in Global Warming we can cut man made carbon by 800 million percent.
Gosh this home brew is great and only 15p a quart
Fee, fife, foe, fumble
Gordon Brown told a news conference at a meeting in Brussels today "We have agreed an ambitious stimulus package," adding the deal was worth around 1.5 percent of the EU member states total gross domestic product in growth measures.

"It is a very solid result. It is a good platform to build on," said a European Union Commissioner.

"It is a very solid result. It is a good platform to build on," said a European Union Commissioner.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Feel free to copy, there is no copyright on an Anoneumouse montage. (click on image to enlarge)Russia wants Falkland Islands Oil
On Saturday we learn from the Telegraph that the Falkland Islands are to be left without the protection of a British warship for the first time since the war with Argentina because the Royal Navy no longer has enough ships to meet all its commitments.
Today we learn from the Moscow Times that following a meeting at the Kremlin in Moscow between Argentina's President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner and Rusian Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev. Russia openly supports Argentina’s sovereignty claim over the Falkland Islands.
Russia and Argentina signed several cooperation agreements and according to Argentine sources Russian energy corporations in the coming months will be investing 500 million US dollars in several projects in Argentina and will be invited to participate with Enarsa, the Argentine state energy company, in South Atlantic exploration for gas and oil.
Some more from Merco Press
Today we learn from the Moscow Times that following a meeting at the Kremlin in Moscow between Argentina's President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner and Rusian Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev. Russia openly supports Argentina’s sovereignty claim over the Falkland Islands.
Russia and Argentina signed several cooperation agreements and according to Argentine sources Russian energy corporations in the coming months will be investing 500 million US dollars in several projects in Argentina and will be invited to participate with Enarsa, the Argentine state energy company, in South Atlantic exploration for gas and oil.
Some more from Merco Press
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Feel free to copy, there is no copyright on an Anoneumouse montage. (click on image to enlarge)Anoneumouse Philosophy
When your birth has to be registered by State decree, you are not a free born man.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Article 1.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
It's all Bollocks
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Article 1.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
It's all Bollocks
Brown "thinks he's Atlas
Tomorrow Gordon Brown travels to Europe to show the collegues how to save the world. French President Nicholas Sarkozy will try and press the other 26 European Union member states to approve the 200 billion euro economic stimulus plan proposed by the European Union Commission.

Nothing, however, is guaranteed to happen. Currently, everyone is responding to the economic crisis at a national level. Several countries have expressed their reluctance to a pan-European plan because they do not have the funds (i.e. Hungary, Poland, Ireland, Greece…). It’s Germany, however, who is slamming on the brakes.
As Europe’s economic powerhouse, Germany is not prepared to foot the bill – as others hoped – because its books are balanced. The German Chancellor Angela Merkel has warned against an EU stimulus.

Nothing, however, is guaranteed to happen. Currently, everyone is responding to the economic crisis at a national level. Several countries have expressed their reluctance to a pan-European plan because they do not have the funds (i.e. Hungary, Poland, Ireland, Greece…). It’s Germany, however, who is slamming on the brakes.
As Europe’s economic powerhouse, Germany is not prepared to foot the bill – as others hoped – because its books are balanced. The German Chancellor Angela Merkel has warned against an EU stimulus.
Admiral Barroso

However, Somali pirates are undeterred as Admiral Barroso sets sail with British ships which now form part of the new European Union Navy
The EU's anti-piracy drive, dubbed Atalanta, was to formally kick off on Monday, increasing the military presence in the Gulf of Aden, which has in recent months become the world's most dangerous stretch of water.
Read more at Eureferendum
Monday, December 08, 2008
Feel free to copy, there is no copyright on an Anoneumouse montage. (click on image to enlarge)Oder Oder
Over the weekend Gordon Brown said he has a "great deal of confidence" in House of Commons Speaker Michael Martin.
Today opposition members in Parliament criticised the Government for "clamping down" on debate on the Damian Green affair, with noisy and bad tempered scenes in the Commons.
One member said (I think it was Douglas Hogg) that the government was guilty of "concealment, duplicity, whitewash and cover up". The Government tabled a motion, which MP's claimed was different to that announced by the Speaker last week.

Leader of the Commons Harriet Harman insisted it was essential an investigation into the affair by MPs should wait until after the police probe into Home Office leaks is over.
The Government won the vote by 4 votes, but as the Labour party member Bob Marshall-Andrews put it, he and his Labour colleagues were under a "three-line whip" - to do Gordon's bidding.
Ernst Röhm eat your heart out
Today opposition members in Parliament criticised the Government for "clamping down" on debate on the Damian Green affair, with noisy and bad tempered scenes in the Commons.
One member said (I think it was Douglas Hogg) that the government was guilty of "concealment, duplicity, whitewash and cover up". The Government tabled a motion, which MP's claimed was different to that announced by the Speaker last week.

Leader of the Commons Harriet Harman insisted it was essential an investigation into the affair by MPs should wait until after the police probe into Home Office leaks is over.
The Government won the vote by 4 votes, but as the Labour party member Bob Marshall-Andrews put it, he and his Labour colleagues were under a "three-line whip" - to do Gordon's bidding.
Ernst Röhm eat your heart out
EU citizens riots in Greece
In Athens, European Union citizens stoned the interior ministry, attacked police stations and clashed with riot police outside parliament.
There were street battles from Thessoliniki in the north to Crete in the south, with youths yelling "Cops! Pigs! Murderers!" at police.
In a live television address to the nation, the embattled Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis vowed to end the riots, saying they were organised by extremists.
It should be remembered that these so called extremists are European Union Citizens.
There were street battles from Thessoliniki in the north to Crete in the south, with youths yelling "Cops! Pigs! Murderers!" at police.
In a live television address to the nation, the embattled Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis vowed to end the riots, saying they were organised by extremists.
It should be remembered that these so called extremists are European Union Citizens.
EU funds used to censor Internet
German band The Scorpions have become embroiled in a web censorship row after certain UK internet providers blocked access to a Wikipedia page about the band.
A page on the band's 1976 album 'Virgin Killer' has been restricted after the Internet Watch Foundation which is funded by the European Union, warned providers that the record's sleeve – which features the image of a young naked girl – could be illegal. As a result, several British ISPs have blocked access to the band's Wikipedia entry, reports BBC News.

volunteers who help run the online encyclopaedia have objected to the ban, not only pointing out that the album sleeve has appeared in several books without prosecution, but also that the measures have blocked UK users from accessing and editing other parts of the site.
A page on the band's 1976 album 'Virgin Killer' has been restricted after the Internet Watch Foundation which is funded by the European Union, warned providers that the record's sleeve – which features the image of a young naked girl – could be illegal. As a result, several British ISPs have blocked access to the band's Wikipedia entry, reports BBC News.

volunteers who help run the online encyclopaedia have objected to the ban, not only pointing out that the album sleeve has appeared in several books without prosecution, but also that the measures have blocked UK users from accessing and editing other parts of the site.
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Feel free to copy, there is no copyright on an Anoneumouse montage. (click on image to enlarge)Irish people ignored (you will vote again)
Ireland's prime minister will tell European Union leaders on Thursday that he will ignore the will of the Irish people and hold a second referendum on the stalled Lisbon Treaty.
Diplomats said a deal had been struck between Ireland, EU president France and EU legal services in Brussels under which the Lisbon Treaty -- assuming a "Yes" vote second time around -- should enter into force by January 2010.
Cowen will seek assurances from his EU peers at the Dec. 11-12 meeting that the treaty will not undermine Ireland's own policies in sensitive areas such as abortion, taxation and military neutrality, the diplomats said.
So here is a question he should ask with regard to military neutrality:
Could the research and technological developments contained in Article 179 of the Lisbon Treaty include the military use of space, and could the joint undertakings contained in Article 187 of the Lisbon Treaty be undertaken in the area of military use of space?
It may also assist in understanding these people if you read the Sunday Telegraph
Diplomats said a deal had been struck between Ireland, EU president France and EU legal services in Brussels under which the Lisbon Treaty -- assuming a "Yes" vote second time around -- should enter into force by January 2010.
Cowen will seek assurances from his EU peers at the Dec. 11-12 meeting that the treaty will not undermine Ireland's own policies in sensitive areas such as abortion, taxation and military neutrality, the diplomats said.
So here is a question he should ask with regard to military neutrality:
Could the research and technological developments contained in Article 179 of the Lisbon Treaty include the military use of space, and could the joint undertakings contained in Article 187 of the Lisbon Treaty be undertaken in the area of military use of space?
It may also assist in understanding these people if you read the Sunday Telegraph
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Feel free to copy, there is no copyright on an Anoneumouse montage. (click on image to enlarge)European Union pig feed directives fail
All Irish pork products have been recalled tonight because of fears that European Union directives have failed, animal feed covered by the directives have been contaminated with harmful toxins.
The Food Safety Authority of Ireland made the announcement shortly before 8pm after pork products on a number of farms were found to have had between 80 and 200 times more dioxins that the recognised safety limit. Irish Times
The Food Safety Authority of Ireland made the announcement shortly before 8pm after pork products on a number of farms were found to have had between 80 and 200 times more dioxins that the recognised safety limit. Irish Times
Look at the links
Lack of "personal responsibility" was at the heart of the Shannon Matthews case, a senior police officer has said.
West Yorkshire Chief Constable Norman Bettison told BBC One's Panorama programme that the nine-year-old's mother, Karen Matthews, had lived her life "without the sense of having to answer for the consequences of her actions".
He said that in his experience Shannon's family were "people who actually don't socialise beyond a small group of people... no holidays, no going to town, no going to the cinema - if it doesn't go on in their house, or a house nearby it doesn't happen as far as they're concerned.
"They aren't socialised in the way that society is generally socialised in terms of norms of behaviour."
He said their normal standard of behaviour was "whatever they could get away with".
West Yorkshire Chief Constable Norman Bettison told BBC One's Panorama programme that the nine-year-old's mother, Karen Matthews, had lived her life "without the sense of having to answer for the consequences of her actions".
He said that in his experience Shannon's family were "people who actually don't socialise beyond a small group of people... no holidays, no going to town, no going to the cinema - if it doesn't go on in their house, or a house nearby it doesn't happen as far as they're concerned.
"They aren't socialised in the way that society is generally socialised in terms of norms of behaviour."
He said their normal standard of behaviour was "whatever they could get away with".
"enough is enough".
HARARI, (Rwuters) - Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe called on the international community on Saturday to tell British Prime Minister Gordon Brown "enough is enough".
Mugabe said a money crisis and death in hospital epidemic in Britain which have killed 40 thousand people was an "international rather than a national emergency" that demanded a coordinated response.
"International because Brown crosses borders. International because the systems of government in Britain are now broken. There is no state capable or willing of protecting its people," Mugabe said in a statement.
"We must stand together to defend human rights and democracy, to say firmly to Brown that enough is enough."

While Mugabe did not explicitly call for Brown to step down, his comments echo calls on Wednesday from Conservative party leader David Cameron, who said Brown's departure from office was long overdue.
Mugabe said a money crisis and death in hospital epidemic in Britain which have killed 40 thousand people was an "international rather than a national emergency" that demanded a coordinated response.
"International because Brown crosses borders. International because the systems of government in Britain are now broken. There is no state capable or willing of protecting its people," Mugabe said in a statement.
"We must stand together to defend human rights and democracy, to say firmly to Brown that enough is enough."

While Mugabe did not explicitly call for Brown to step down, his comments echo calls on Wednesday from Conservative party leader David Cameron, who said Brown's departure from office was long overdue.
Friday, December 05, 2008
Feel free to copy, there is no copyright on an Anoneumouse montage. (click on image to enlarge)Thursday, December 04, 2008
Feel free to copy, there is no copyright on an Anoneumouse montage. (click on image to enlarge)ECHR classic 38,000,000
The European Court of Human Rights has ruled. That keeping DNA and finger print samples from people with no criminal convictions is a breach of their human rights,
It violated their "right to respect for private life" and "prohibition of discrimination" safeguarded by the Human Rights Convention, to which the UK is a signatory
So where dose this leave the government ID card scheme?
It violated their "right to respect for private life" and "prohibition of discrimination" safeguarded by the Human Rights Convention, to which the UK is a signatory
So where dose this leave the government ID card scheme?
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Feel free to copy, there is no copyright on an Anoneumouse montage. (click on image to enlarge)Duke of Edinburgh classic 38,000
Just seen a classic on the Parliament Channel.
Her Majesty had a quick chat with Jack Straw on her way out of the Lords. Jack opened up his document bag to reassure Her Majesty that indeed her speech was in it. After the Queen moved away, The Duke of Edinburgh moved in to chat with Straw. The Duke opened the bag and gestured as if he was extracting the speech and tossing it away.
My sentiments exactly
Her Majesty had a quick chat with Jack Straw on her way out of the Lords. Jack opened up his document bag to reassure Her Majesty that indeed her speech was in it. After the Queen moved away, The Duke of Edinburgh moved in to chat with Straw. The Duke opened the bag and gestured as if he was extracting the speech and tossing it away.
My sentiments exactly
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Feel free to copy, there is no copyright on an Anoneumouse montage. (click on image to enlarge)That Smoking Ban (Scottish Satire)
Official: Scotland sees large rise in hospital admissions for acute coronary syndrome in second year of smoking ban
Data released this week by the Scottish government show that emergency hospital admissions for acute coronary syndrome (ACS) rose sharply in the second year of the country's smoking ban.

(Click on image for big graph)
Much was made of an apparent reduction in the number of patients being diagnosed with the life-threatening heart condition after the smoking ban came into effect in 2006, including a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine which claimed that the ban had caused emergency ACS admissions to fall by 17%.
However, official statistics show that the decline in hospitals admissions for acute coronary syndrome has been greatly exaggerated. The real decline in the first year of the smoking ban was just 7.2% - not 17% - and the rate then rose by 7.8% in the second year, cancelling out the earlier drop.
Source: ISD Scotland
Data released this week by the Scottish government show that emergency hospital admissions for acute coronary syndrome (ACS) rose sharply in the second year of the country's smoking ban.

(Click on image for big graph)
Much was made of an apparent reduction in the number of patients being diagnosed with the life-threatening heart condition after the smoking ban came into effect in 2006, including a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine which claimed that the ban had caused emergency ACS admissions to fall by 17%.
However, official statistics show that the decline in hospitals admissions for acute coronary syndrome has been greatly exaggerated. The real decline in the first year of the smoking ban was just 7.2% - not 17% - and the rate then rose by 7.8% in the second year, cancelling out the earlier drop.
Source: ISD Scotland
Monday, December 01, 2008
Feel free to copy, there is no copyright on an Anoneumouse montage. (click on image to enlarge)Taxi for Martin
The Conservative Party has tonight published an email from Harriet Harman's office that sets up a meeting between officials in the Speaker's Office and in the Government.

The question now is, is this practice of pooling recollections after an incident, does it obscure a search for the truth?.
If the answer to that is yes, and I think it must be, then this practice must end.
Doing acts tending and intended to pervert the course of public justice, is an offence contrary to the common law.
Perverting the course of public justice is an indictable offence at common law. The offence consists of an act, a series of acts, or conduct which has the tendency and is intended to pervert the course of justice (Halsbury’s Laws of England 4thEd. Reissue, Vol. 11(1), para. 315).

The question now is, is this practice of pooling recollections after an incident, does it obscure a search for the truth?.
If the answer to that is yes, and I think it must be, then this practice must end.
Doing acts tending and intended to pervert the course of public justice, is an offence contrary to the common law.
Perverting the course of public justice is an indictable offence at common law. The offence consists of an act, a series of acts, or conduct which has the tendency and is intended to pervert the course of justice (Halsbury’s Laws of England 4thEd. Reissue, Vol. 11(1), para. 315).
Harold Frederick Shipman eat your heart out
The NHS kills 40,000 people every year in our hospitals
The figures were given to members of the House of Commons Health Committee as part of its inquiry into the safety of patients.
No wonder waiting lists are down
The figures were given to members of the House of Commons Health Committee as part of its inquiry into the safety of patients.
No wonder waiting lists are down