EU Regulation putting lives in danger
For more than 450 years, watermen and lightermen have plied their trade on the capital's river. It takes as long to qualify to captain a boat on the stretch of water between Teddington and Gravesend as it does to pick up A-levels and a university degree. But yesterday a new boatmaster's licence came into force which, the boatmen claim, threatens safety and their livelihoods. (guardian)

On 20 August 1989, on the River Thames, the gravel dredger Bowbelle collided with the pleasure cruiser Marchioness and 51 people lost their lives. That tragedy resulted in the Government implementing stricter safety requirements for those navigating on the River Thames.
These safety regulations are now in danger as they have been diluted as a direct result of the Governments implementation of EU Directive 96/50/EC. The current United Kingdom standards have been replaced by much lower standards under a harmonised European boatmaster’s licence. However, this was not necessary, as the same directive allows, under Article 3(2), for Member States to apply exemptions on national waterways and issue boatmaster’s certificates under their own conditions.
Why not support David Cameron's EUsceptic credentials and write to your MP and ask them to sign EDM 470
MERCHANT SHIPPING (S.I., 2006, No. 3223)
12.12.2006 Cameron, David
That an humble Address be presented to Her Majesty, praying that the Merchant Shipping (Inland Waterway and Limited Coastal Operations) (Boatmasters' Qualifications and Hours of Work) Regulations 2006 (S.I., 2006, No. 3223), dated 4th December 2006, a copy of which was laid before this House on 7th December, be annulled.

On 20 August 1989, on the River Thames, the gravel dredger Bowbelle collided with the pleasure cruiser Marchioness and 51 people lost their lives. That tragedy resulted in the Government implementing stricter safety requirements for those navigating on the River Thames.
These safety regulations are now in danger as they have been diluted as a direct result of the Governments implementation of EU Directive 96/50/EC. The current United Kingdom standards have been replaced by much lower standards under a harmonised European boatmaster’s licence. However, this was not necessary, as the same directive allows, under Article 3(2), for Member States to apply exemptions on national waterways and issue boatmaster’s certificates under their own conditions.
Why not support David Cameron's EUsceptic credentials and write to your MP and ask them to sign EDM 470
MERCHANT SHIPPING (S.I., 2006, No. 3223)
12.12.2006 Cameron, David
That an humble Address be presented to Her Majesty, praying that the Merchant Shipping (Inland Waterway and Limited Coastal Operations) (Boatmasters' Qualifications and Hours of Work) Regulations 2006 (S.I., 2006, No. 3223), dated 4th December 2006, a copy of which was laid before this House on 7th December, be annulled.
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