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Double bluff on the rocks
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Questions for ministers at DECC & DEFRA
What is the Carbon Footprint for the followingA 7.62mm round of ammunition is issued in the form of a complete package, A complete round (cartridge) consists of all the components (cartridge case, bullet or shot, propellant powder, and primer) necessary to fire once. The bullet consists of a gilding-metal steel jacket with a lead-antimony slug. The cartridge case is brass and the bullet is unpainted.
a) Unused?
b) Used?
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Melty Christmas
Seasonal FelicitationsWaes Hael
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Easing the Verbiage (that new EU Treaty)
The Contracting Parties
Conscious of the fact we screwed up in the first place.
Desiring to avoid screwing it up again…
Bearing in Mind that we couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery….
Recalling that we have been to many brewery get together's…
Bearing in Mind all of the above facts…
Taking Note of the fact that we have to avoid the democratic process.
Recalling what happened in 2005
Taking Note that the bastards in Ireland have a referendum clause in their constitution.
Stressing we don't give a shit…
Without Prejudice to Article 53 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties
Having agreed upon the following provisions.
Article 1.
"We is the European Union. Existence, as you know it, is over. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Resistance is futile."
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New Treaty (international agreement)
Conscious of...Desiring to...Bearing in Mind that....Recalling that...More Bearing in Mind of...Taking Note of...a lot more Recalling and Noting and then a bit of Stressing...without Prejudice to .. http://www.scribd.com/doc/75877614/New-Treaty
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Pulling Together
The Euro Cistern
By going alone, we don't need the help of France or the other 16 to flush our shit.
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Post Olympic Stress Disorder
London will be protected by a consignment of 13,500 military personnel during the Olympic Games next year after a recalculation of security needs.

That means the military presence for the Olympic games will now be bigger than our current troop deployment in Afghanistan, where there are about 9500 British troops.
That means hosting the Olympic games is a bigger threat to our security than the Taliban being democratically elected in Afghanistan.
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The 'bolt on' 1 million
The latest unemployment figures from the Office of National Statistics, show that the number of people claiming jobseekers' allowance last month increased, by 3,000 to 1.6 million.
But who are the 'bolt on' 1 million not claiming jobseeker's allowance?
Lowery's Britain
Cameron's Britain
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coalition agreement
One day, a yellow scorpion was walking along a river bank, wondering how to get to the other side.
All of a sudden the yellow scorpion saw a toad.
He asked the toad to take him on his back across the river.
The toad said, “No, If I do that, you'll sting me and I will drown.”
The scorpion assured the toad, “If I was to sting you, we would both drown.”
The toad thought about it and finally agreed and the yellow scorpion climbed up on the toads back. The toad began to swim... but.... halfway across the river, the yellow scorpion stung the toad.
As the poison filled his veins, the toad turned to the scorpion and said, “Why did you do that? You know that we will both drown.”
“I couldn't help it,” said the yellow scorpion. “It is my nature.” I am a Liberal Democrat and that's what us Liberal Democrats do.
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Where was Killjoy
Where’s Clegg?

The cry rose from the Labour benches, the Deputy Prime Minister was in his office, having a security briefing and catching up with phone calls from his pay masters in Brussels.
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pacta sunt servanda
Initially the LibDem leader Nick Clegg said the Lib/Dems were united with the Tory's in its stance over changes to the European Union Treaties.

Today we learn that Nick Clegg has launched an attack on David Cameron for "isolating" the UK in Europe with his veto against changes to the EU treaty.
No good faith there then!Just what does that mean?
Lord Pearson of Rannoch asked HMG in a
Written Question:
To ask Her Majesty's Government, further to the Written Answer by Lord McNally on 15 November (WA 140), whether the Deputy Prime Minister, Mr Nick Clegg, is eligible to receive a pension from the European Commission; if so, when that pension will become payable; what will be its annual amount;
and whether the terms of that pension constrain his actions.
HMG's response was a little odd:
The Deputy Prime Minister is no longer eligible to receive a pension from the European Commission.
Helen Szamuely asks, No longer? What does that mean? Was he at any time and why is he not so any longer?
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European Council 2011 (group photo)
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50 Countries not in the European Union
and don't use the Euro
Antigua and Barbuda
New Zealand
Papua New Guinea
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Sierra Leone
Solomon Island
South Africa
Sri Lanka
Trinidad and Tobago
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Cameron Feints, EU Swoons
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Tinkered, Tailored, Soldout, Sly
They tinkered with data and paleoclimate proxies..
..tailored the message to what was required by their political masters…
..to the extent that they soldout to political advocacy and lost their integrity as scientists…
..but most of all it showed them as sly and conniving, plotting and manipulating their field to ensure their own position was unassailable.
Digging in the Clay
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jolly hockey sticks
Michael Mann has written a
response to James Delingpole's
article about Climategate 2.0 in the Wall Street Journal.

It's certainly worth reading the comments, this one amused me.
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A guide dog for the sighted

Mervyn King has said,
"What we have to do is to be ready and prepared with contingency plans and to make sure that as far as possible our banking system is as robust as possible to withstand whatever shocks that come from the eurozone,”