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Elephant has it's foot in the door
Do you remember the second Great TV Debate on April 22nd.

When the debate came to the question of the European Union there was hardly a platitude left unsaid. Mr Cameron was for being
“in Europe but not ruled by Europe”
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The Source of Amazonegate
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Is Gordon back from the dead
David Cameron describes removing bat from Downing St
''A very delicate operation was taken to try and collect said bat and get it out the window all in one piece, which I'm pleased to say that we did,''
''I don't know how the bat is doing now, but anyway, I did my best.''
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Update on previous post
The House of Lords Commissioner for Standards
House of Lords
London SW1A 0PW
Misuse of House of Lords Logo
Sir, thank you for your note of the 5th July 2010. I have to admit that I am at a total loss with regard to your reference to and your interpretation of Para 4 of the rules governing the use of House of Lords facilities in relation to my citing Para12 of the same.
“that a formal investigation would not be justified as any breach would, even if established, be considered as trivial”.Ignorantia juris non excusatTrade Marks Act 1994 Part IVV Miscellaneous and general provisions. Unauthorised use of Royal armsMay I draw your attention to the fact, that having accepted the role of chair of UEA Reassessment Group, Lord Oxburgh’s letters were never or could ever be deemed to be ‘personal correspondence’. The letters were clearly ‘business letters’ as he was communicating, whether he knew them personally or not, with a number of scientists nominated (grace and favour) by a third party.
If the rules published by the stationary office, are deemed to be trivial, then as Commissioner of Standards you are obliged to inform the house that the cost of publishing of such trivia is an inappropriate cost on the taxpayer.
As I am unhappy with your course of action, can you advise that my next step would be to contact The Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration?
Enclosed a copy of a circular sent by Lord Oxburgh to UEA reassessment group
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Another Whitewash
Dear Anoneumouse
Misuse of House of Lords logo
Thank you for your letter dated 30/6/10 which helpfully clarified how and when Lord Oxburgh used the House of Lords 'logo' which formed the basis of your complaint.
I have carefully considered your complaint and note you citation of
Rules Governing the Use of Facilities - Paragraph 12. I would draw your attention to Paragraph 4 of the same document which deals specifically with House of Lords headed paper. In view of the guidance set out at Paragraph 4 and the content of Lords Oxburgh's letter dated 10/3/10,
I am of the view that a formal investigation would not be justified as any breach would, even if established, be considered as trivial. The letter is very clear as to what bodies have sponsored the re-evaluation group and cites a university email address for replies. It makes no mention of the House of Lords other than by reason of the author using House of Lords headed paper. I will, however, ensure that Lord Oxburgh is advised of your complaint and concern that his use of House of Lords headed paper in the context of the work commissioned by the University of East Anglia and the Royal Society was inappropriate.
Paul Kernaghan CBE QPM
Commissioner for Standards
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If the Pope had an ounce of decency
He would cancel his extremely and extortionately expensive trip to Britain and ask the UK government to donate £1000 to 12,000 poor people.
But hey.... I guess he, like our MP's, is a self-serving selfish BASTARD.
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