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No "creeping federalism" here
Tamworth Herald
Tory spokesman "I am absolutely behind our council in resisting the government's agenda of 'creeping federalism'."
"There is no way we are going to hoist the EU banner on equal terms with our own flag."And so say all of us.
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Bar Code Error

Austria has launched its presidency of the European Union by unveiling posters of naked figures wearing masks resembling the Queen, Jacques Chirac and George W. Bush.
The Daily Telegraph
The images, part of a government-funded campaign, have provoked outrage in Vienna even before the country takes over the EU's helm from Britain on Sunday. The naked man and two women are shown in sexual poses together on a roof. The Bush mask is worn by one of the women.

This isnt the the first 'Bar Code Error',
last week the Austrian government tried to defend the sale of 800 high-power Steyr 50hs armour-piercing snipers' rifles to
Iran's police.
Caliber: .50BMG
(12.7x99mm) or .460Steyr
Operation: manually operated rotating bolt action
Barrel: 33"
(833 mm)Weight: 27lbs 3 oz
(12.4 kg)Length: 54"
(1370 mm) Feed Mechanism: single shot, no magazine
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The 'Concerned a bit' Party
SIR Bob Geldof has agreed to help David the Cam is On set up a forum to fight poverty, in the latest move by the Conservative Party to capture the centre ground of British politics.
"A new generation of concerned citizens want prosperity for themselves and progress for the poor, whether on the other side of the street or the other side of the world." - David Cameron
And this comes 3 days after his first broken promise
I will withdraw the Conservative Party from the EPP by Christmas. (Frimley 23/11/05)Make Spin History.
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No, this is not an 'End of the World' prediction, I will be publishing that on the 1st of January. This is about the European Union.
As reported by
NewsRoom Finland according to a survey by the research company
Taloustutkimus The majority of Finns are not enthusiastic about EU membership.
If EU membership were voted on now, 44 per cent of Finns would be in favour of joining, while 49 per cent would be against membership.
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Merry Christmas

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We are coming to get you

As part of plans to protect public sector workers from the effects of passive smoking. Smokers will be sent letters asking them not to light up for one hour before the
Police carry out dawn Raids.
(well thats the logic)
"Does your organisation know which of the homes visited by its staff are occupied by smokers? If not, it would be advisable to develop such a list. Once the situation relating to individual properties is ascertained, steps can be taken to reduce the exposure the staff might face" - Executive published guidelines on the ban on smoking in public places.
The Scotsman.
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Liver and Know Your Onions

Scotland has long been used as an experimental base for legislation in both England and Wales. Licensing laws are no exception, and it should be noted that the all-day drinking laws which are now firmly established in England and Wales were pioneered in Scotland.
A&E units under siege from drunks The Scotsman
In the figures released yesterday by
NHS Quality Improvement Scotland, between 1996 and 2004 admissions with acute alcohol intoxication went up 40 per cent for men and 30 per cent for women. Emergency admissions linked to alcoholic liver disease soared by 73 per cent for men and 81 per cent for women, and admissions with chronic liver disease increased by
100% for both sexes
Do you want Onions with that?.
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O come all ye faithful
You are cordially invited to a public carol service in Parliament Square at 6pm on Wednesday the 21st of December 2005.
This inclusive service will contain both Christian and secular verse, and is expected to last no more than an hour.
Candles and song sheets will be made available, with donations going to Medical Aid for Iraqi Children.
Please note that if you attend this carol service, it will classify as a spontaneous demonstration (of faith, hope, joy and/or religious tolerance) and there is a possibility that you will be cautioned or arrested under Section 132 of the Serious and Organised Crimes and Police Act 2005.
Click here for more information.
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'We're not ready for Afghanistan'
Military commanders say that lessons have not been learned...political prevarication has left them unable to make adequate preparation for the mission....to Afghanistan.
The Scotsman
Hansard 14 Nov 2005 : Column 679Mr. Hurd: Can the Secretary of State reassure the House that the UK has sufficient manpower to complete our extended mission in Afghanistan without stretching logistics too thin or reducing tour intervals below the current average level?
John Reid: Yes, indeed I can. My right hon. Friend the Minister of State issued a written statement today on training and preparation as a contingency for deployment to Afghanistan. We would not undertake any further deployment there unless I was satisfied both that we had the means to do so with the maximum effect and to ensure the safety of our troops, and that we had the necessary support from the international community."When you're wounded and left,
On Afghanistan's plains,
And the women come out,
To cut up your remains,
Just roll on your rifle,
And blow out your brains,
And go to your Gawd,
Like a soldier."
Rudyard Kipling.
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Always frown with Golden Brown
In May 1999 Gordon (Enron) Brown ordered the Bank of England to sell 415 tons (more than half) of Britain's gold reserves.
It was said that the sale would raise about £4 billion, of which 40pc was converted into euros, 40pc into dollars and 20pc into Japanese yen. It saw Britain's gold reserve reduce from 715 tonnes to 300 tonnes.
So what do we learn today
Gold is at 24-Year High
(1 GBP)
1999-05-07 May 07, Friday 1.635 USD
2005-11-08 November 08, Tuesday 1.7415 USD
(1 GBP)
1999-05-07 May 07, Friday
1.51656 EUR2005-11-08 November 08, Tuesday
1.47923 EUR
(1 GBP)
1999-05-07 May 07, Friday 197.476 JPY
2005-11-08 November 08, Tuesday 203.93 JPY
So much for Brown's investment in Euro's
Time to reclassify or even strangle Golden Brown, the skunk smell's a bit iffy..
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Duck, Duck , Duck
There is no global warming. Period.
I bet you can't find a real scientist anywhere in the world who can look you in the eye and, without hesitation, without clarification, without saying, kinda, mighta, sorta, if, and ah but...say "yes, global warming is with us."
There is no evidence whatsoever to support such claims. Anyone who tells you that scientific research shows warming trends - be they teachers, news casters, Members of Parliament, MEP's, or European Commissioners - is wrong. There is no global warming.
Just ask them, would they forego their pension if they are wrong
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Jo Brand Breaks Wind to the Labour Party Anthem
The latest begging e-mail from New Labour starts off with:I'm Jo, a Labour supporter and you may have seen me on telly.Yes Jo, I remember you
The BBC has apologised to the Albanian ambassador after Jo Brand offered to fart their national anthem.
Have you noticed the big news this week?Yes Jo, Tony Blair is negotiating away the British rebate. But can you remember seeing this big news story?
NHS may refuse smokers, drinkers and the obese
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Virtual March
Upset with the goings on over the budget rebate, but too busy to do anything about it? The Democracy Movement have the Answer.
Virtual March: here's what to do on Saturday 10th December 2005, anytime after 12noon:
- Visit the 'E-mail the Prime Minister' page on the Number 10 website by clicking this link: http://www.number10.gov.uk/output/page821.asp
- At the bottom of the page, choose 'International Affairs' in the category box and click the 'Go' button;
- On the following page, enter your contact details and protest message to Tony Blair;
- Then click 'Submit', and you're done! Thank you for joining in. The more the merrier and it should only take five minutes.
Blair's concession to the EU will hit us all in the pocket and will mean less money available for public services on which we all depend. This issue affects everyone directly. Please join in the protest.
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The Cam is On
Hmmmmm David (the Cam is On) Cameron won
There's a widespread belief that toast sliding off a plate has a natural tendency to land butter side down.
Blair, when voted leader, thought he had got around this problem by buttering both sides of his toast. The problem being, once the toast fell there was hair and kitchen floor debris stuck to at least one side of the toast.
We will have to wait and see which side Cameron has buttered his bread.
I will withdraw the Conservative Party from the EPP by Christmas.
(Frimley 23/11/05)19 days and counting, Pink Pussy anyone..
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Early Day Motion 1182
Brazier, Julian
That this House rejoices in the current and historic value of the Red Ensign; recognises the emotional attachment felt towards it by those who have served, do serve and will serve under it; salutes the bravery of the contribution made by the Merchant Navy during recent conflicts, most especially the Falklands War; acknowledges the economic and strategic necessity of having an independent merchant fleet;
and calls upon the Government to reject the proposal by the European Commission to introduce a European maritime flag.
Why not check to see if your MP has signed
EDM 1182
If not why not e-mail them and encourage them to do so by clicking this link
Alphabetical List of Members of Parliament.
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Has Blair Resigned Himself
BBC News Tony Blair has signalled readiness to give up part of the UK's £4bn European Union rebate for a new EU budget deal
Hansard 8 Jun 2005 : Column 1234 Q1. [1878] Mr. Simon Burns (West Chelmsford) (Con):
Will the Prime Minister tell us if the UK rebate is negotiable?
The Prime Minister: The UK rebate will remain and we will not negotiate it away. Period.TONY, Misleading parliament (Perjury) is in breach of the ministerial code of conduct and a sackable offence.
Ministerial Code Ministers of the Crown 1.5…
it is of paramount importance that Ministers give accurate and truthful information to Parliament, correcting any inadvertent error at the earliest opportunity. Ministers who knowingly mislead Parliament will be expected to offer their resignation to the Prime Minister;
a true and faithful Servant, So help you God..