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From the Cave
Osama bin Laden has just released a new TV message to prove he is still alive. He said the England Team performance on Sunday was completely SHIT.
British intelligence have dismissed the claim, stating that the message could have been recorded anytime in the last 44 years.
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England has a new coach
It will pick them up from heathrow airport after the Germans win
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Fabrico Crapello

The England coach Fabio Capello has banned the ear-splitting Vuvuzelas from the team hotel, expressing annoyance over the repeated sounds of the instrument.
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Chris Huhne: thinking outside of the box
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Are you Inspired by Muhammad
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Bruses or Bruges
In a message dated 07/06/2010 22:01:59 GMT Daylight Time, robert@brugesgroup.com writes:
Is the eurozone breaking up? Wednesday, 14th July 2010
My replyHey...this is hind site...it broke up on the 30th of June when Germany released it's pre-printed Euro Marks.
In a message dated 07/06/2010 22:12:02 GMT Daylight Time, robert@brugesgroup.com writes:
Thank you for your e-mail, unfortunately the euro does still remain the legal tender for the eurozone and all that this entails.My replyIt would appear that you didn't read my email before your automated type response.
You are proposing that on the (14th of July) a discussion about the Euro breakup.
I am informing you that by the 30th of June it will have broken up
In other words on the 14th of July it wont be the legal tender of the eurozone You will only be discussing the scattered entrails.
In a message dated 07/06/2010 22:35:48 GMT Daylight Time, robert@brugesgroup.com writes:
I did read your e-mail, I just feel that the reality is that the euro will be in place beyond that date.Who wants to place a bet?Terms and conditions:
All bets to be placed in Yuan by end of play June 25th
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Not Mandelson
Business Secretary Vince Cable says he'll force banks to lend more money to small businesses.

‘The first thing you may have noticed is that I am not Peter Mandelson,’ began newly-anointed Business Secretary Vince Cable during his first major speech. ‘For one thing, I am a better dancer'.
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Judith Dakers (AKA Judith Gale)
Marriage vows, as sincere as the statement on your divorce petition.
Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita
mi ritrovai per una selva oscura,
ché la diritta via era smarrita.
Mezzo Cammin
Half my life is gone, and I have let
The years slip from me and have not fulfilled
The aspiration of my youth, to build
Some tower of song with lofty parapet.
Not indolence, nor pleasure, nor the fret
Of restless passions that would not be stilled,
But sorrow, and a care that almost killed,
Kept me from what I may accomplish yet;
Though, half-way up the hill, I see the Past
Lying beneath me with its sounds and sights,--
A city in the twilight dim and vast,
With smoking roofs, soft bells, and gleaming lights,--
And hear above me on the autumnal blast
The cataract of Death far thundering from the heights.
Inappropriate salutations??
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Feel free to copy, there is no copyright on an Anoneumouse montage.
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Israel should respond by recognising the Kurdish nation.

Did you know it is still illegal to use the letters
W, Q or X – part of the Kurdish, but not the Turkish, alphabet.
The Kurds took up arms against the Turkish state in 1984 with the aim of creating an independent homeland in the mainly Kurdish southeast of the country. So far more than 40,000 people have died in the conflict.
And the European Union want Turkey to become a member state !??
On a daily basis, hundreds of Kurdish women and children die of hunger, disease and poverty in South East Turkey. Turkey continues to commit gross human rights violations against its own Kurdish population.
Hopefully, in near future the countless deaths of innocent Kurdish civilians in southeast Turkey will also draw a modicum of attention by global media and international organisations such as The European Union and The United Nation to convene an emergency meeting to discuss and address the Kurdish dilemma in the worsening politcal situation in Turkey.