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Masked Crusader
A mass advertising campaign will be mounted as the Government steps up its efforts to contain the growing swine flu outbreak in the UK.
Adverts will run in newspapers, on radio and on TV from Thursday giving information about swine flu and advising people that basic hygiene measures such as using hankies

Every household in the UK is set to receive a leaflet about the swine flu outbreak and how to prevent its spread.
The Department of Health is also looking at increasing stockpiles of masks, which are likely to be issued to the deserving
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Swine flu..nothing to do with global warming.
or the credit crunch, pigs or Muslim terrorism
It's all a Government sponsored
BBC conspiracy
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Convicted of conspiracy to attend a place used for training.
Just because I want to learn about terrorist techniques (not on the British further education curriculum) if I travel to the tribal regions of Pakistan where it is, does that make me a terrorist?
I have been trained in psychology (not in, near or at Berkley) I have never practiced as a physiologist (in London, Chorley or anywhere else in the UK) and neither do I wish to practice psychology now or into the future. Am I a psychologist?
But Hey... I know how to 'double tap'. I have an army weapons training certificate to prove it.
Go on, "gis us a job".
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Used Face Masks are hazardous waste (15 02 02)
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, Having regard to Council Directive 75/442/EEC of 15 July1975 on waste (1), as amended by Directive 91/156/EEC (2),and in particular Article 1(a) thereof, Having regard to Council Directive 91/689/EEC of 12 December 1991 on hazardous waste (3), and in particular Article 1(4), second indent thereof, laid down in Decision 94/3/EC and that of hazardous
wastes laid down in Decision 94/904/EC.
Under the
Environmental Protection Act 1990, every producer of waste is under a duty to ensure safe handling and disposal of the waste. This duty of care continues throughout the chain and includes all intermediaries from producer until final disposal. If any part of the disposal chain fails, the initial waste producer can be considered to have failed in their duty of care.
The definition of ‘household waste’ under
The Controlled Waste Regulations 1992 includes waste medical materials from a patient’s own home.
If you transport waste medical masks you will need a licence.
The cost of a licence in June 2005 was £136 and this may be obtained from the Environment Agency.
Alternatively, don't bother using a face mask.
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Oh the Irony
Cold temperatures or freezing temperatures will not kill the flu virus. In fact, the flu virus tends to be more stable and stays in the air longer when air is cold and dry.
The UN says we are DEFCON 4 with regard to Pig Flu
Time to change the climate and burn more oil, gas or coal it is essential that you heat your home. Heat will kill the flu virus.
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Starve the cold, Feed the fever
Less than a week after Gordon Brown proposed a flat-rate payment to replace MPs’ second-home allowances Crash Gordon has been forced to abandon his plan

The opposition leaders Pinky and Perky have both rejected the notion of a payment to MPs based on attendance at Westminster.
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This Septic Isle
This throne of pseudo demigods, this septic tank,
This earth of majesty, this seat of sleaze,
This other Eden, domain of Hades,
This thirdterm built and Nurtured for itself
Against inflection and the hand job of whore,
This unhappy breed of men, this little world,
This lump of coal set in the fishless sea,
Which is served from a hole in a wall
Or as a privet defensive to a negative equity house,
Against the envy of less happier lands,--
This shit pot, this earth, this realm, this Britain
Bill Wavestick "Crash Gordon, Act 2 Scene 1"
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Downing Street Petition

If you want Gordon to go tell him via his own website:
click here.
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aah Bisto
Sir Christopher Kelly, the chairman of the sleaze watchdog (Committee on Standards in Public Life) Say's politicians should not be left to decide for themselves how the system of parliamentary allowances and expenses should be reformed.

Crash Gordon had hoped to secure parliamentary approval in a Commons vote next week, but was unable to gain support from opposition leaders for his plan for a fixed daily attendance allowance.
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2009 Budget
The Chancellor has delivered his Budget statement - it includes action to support employment, to help savers and families with children, to support pensioners and to help people manage their finances. Find out how these announcements affect you by reading tomorrows Newspapers.

Alistair........this is 2009 we have grown up with New Labour spin
You can Fuck off with your Churchillian type Radio 4 broadcast we are all adults here
Just ask us nicely to sniff the alkyl nitrites and give it to us straight.
We have woken up and we can smell the R-O-N=O
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Mother Hubbard Budget

On Wednesday, Alistair Darling will present his first budget since Britain went into recession.
On the basis of what has already emerged from the Treasury, here are some of the announcements he is expected to make:
Public sector borrowing: Much worse than forecast in last autumn's pre-budget report.
Darling is expected to say that borrowing will hit around £160bn in 2009-2010, and even more - perhaps as much as £175bn - the following year.
Public spending: Darling has already said public spending will rise by less than originally planned over the coming years.
He is expected to announce further cuts, worth £10bn, in addition to cuts already announced, worth £5bn, to be achieved through "efficiency savings".
Growth: The chancellor is expected to say that the economy will contract by 3.5% this year – again, much worse than expected at the time of the pre-budget report.
But he will predict that the recession is likely to end at the end of 2009 and that the economy could grow by as much as 1% next year.
Bank bailout costs: According to the Financial Times, Darling will concede that the government will not recover all the money spent on bank bailouts and say that the cost to the taxpayer could be as high as £60bn.
Employment measures: Ministers are describing it as "a budget for jobs", and it will include £2bn for measures to help the unemployed.
Those aged under 25 who have been unemployed for a year will be guaranteed a job, work experience or training.
Green measures: Around £300m will be provided to pay for better home insulation, with around £200m for investment in wind farms and other renewable technologies.
Car scrappage scheme: Motorists are to be offered up to £2,000 if they trade in an old car for a new, more environmentally-friendly one.
Housing: The Treasury is to underwrite mortgage-backed securities worth £50bn in an attempt to encourage more lending to homebuyers.
Tax evasion: People owing the exchequer more than £25,000 are to be named and shamed.
North Sea oil: Tax incentives are intended to encourage oil companies to explore new fields.
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qui facit per alium, facit per se
Drivers could receive up to £5,000 to subsidise the purchase of an electric car under a new £250 million Government scheme designed to promote environmentally-friendly transport
So, If I take advantage of this government promoted scheme and the subsequent purchase turns out to be a pig in a poke, because it doesn't reduce emissions, or perform equally as well to my conventional transport, who will be legally liable?

Under English Law with the passing of the
Theft Act 1978, it is an offense to dishonestly evade a liability.
"qui facit per alium, facit per se". Latin for "he who acts through another acts himself".
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"Mad on borrowing"
Is an anagram of the phrase "I am Gordon Brown".Gordon Brown, when he was chancellor of the exchequer used to have a rule that Britain's overall debt - should not exceed 40% of Gross Domestic Product. That has already been abandoned and some estimates say that our Net Debt could rise to nearly 80% of GDP over the coming year.

On Wednesday Alistair Darling has to have something more than a rabbit in his hat, – an empty Red Box on the doorstep of Number 11 is just not going to work.
But hey, what's this; Gordon Brown's, Downing street spinners have already briefed the
Labourgraph that the Royal Mint, the Met Office and the property portfolio of British Waterways will be up for grabs.
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Snakes & Adders
Next weeks budget, will place two big pressures on Alistair Darling . The first will be the fear of the markets; the second is fear of the voters.

Fear of the markets means Darling will want to make it crystal clear how he plans to tax more and spend less to bring down the deficit and get public finances back on an even keel.
Fear of the voters means that he will not want to talk too tough in terms of squeezing an already cash strapped electorate by promising further tax rises and cuts to their services, particularly with an election less than a year away.
Stand by, we are in for the Duplicity Budget .
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"We're up for it and we're up to it."
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A parliamentary report concludes that senior civil servants overstated the significance of the leaks to persuade police to investigate the Tory MP and raid his Commons office.
The report by the Commons Home Affairs Committee, published today, has found a "clear mismatch" between the information given to Scotland Yard about the threat posed by the leaks and the description of the documents that senior officials in the Home Office gave. It raises questions over whether police would have conducted the raid if the "hyperbolic" account of the threat had not been issued.
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je regrette

Will Gordon Brown say sorry? No, he just regrets.
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Downing Street Interviews
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Statutory Instrument 2011 No. 1
The Community Service Orders 2011Every young person to do 50 hours compulsory community service by the time they reach the age of 19.

Writing in the
News of the World, Gordon Brown has said:
"It is my ambition to create a Britain in which there is a clear expectation that all young people will undertake some service to their community, and where community service will become a normal part of growing up in Britain.
I guess this will make the legal system less discriminatory and more “inclusive”.
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a good day to "bury" bad news
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Fall Guy
Bob Quick, an assistant commissioner of the Metropolitan Police who is in charge of
"the arresting politicians unit" at Scotland Yard, was photographed going into Downing Street today carrying a dossier marked secret.

The release of the picture was followed within hours by a distraction raid by the North West Counter-Terrorism Unit in Manchester, Liverpool and Lancashire.
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Labour, it's working

Did this man use a sun bed, is he obese, maybe he had a drink or perhaps he is a smoker.
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Is democracy discriminatory?
Why cant we represent ourselves in parliament?
Surely we are all entitled to all have our snouts in the same trough?
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Bring me my hasenpfeffer

Gordon Brown seems to have corralled fellow leaders into perpetrating a gigantic collective fraud on world public opinion. Read
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Is that all there is?
SPOKEN:And when we were on our uppers and in massive debt, Crash Gordon took us to a G20 circus, the greatest show on earth.
There were poloticians and journalists and government spin doctors
And an elephant in blue tights flew high above our heads.
And so I sat there watching the marvelous spectacle.
I had the feeling that something was missing.
I don't know what, but when it was over,
I said to myself, "is that all there is to a G20 circus?
Is that all there is, is that all there is
If that's all there is my friends, then let's keep dancing
Let's break out the booze and have a ball
If that's all .....there is.
Eat your heart out Peggy Lee(Apologies to Stoller & Lieber)``Disillusionment'' hat tip Thomas Mann
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It doesn't add up
The MSN are reporting that World leaders from the G20 nations will meet this morning to thrash out a global plan to tackle the economic crisis.
How on earth do we expect these people to sort out the economy if they cant even work out that there are 23 leaders attending the G20 surely its the
1 Prime Minister of Thailand
2 Silvio Berlusconi, Prime Minister of Italy
3 Taro Aso, Prime Minister of Japan
4 Kevin Rudd, Prime Minister of Australia
5 Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada
6 Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany
7 Jose Luis Zapatero, Prime Minister of Spain
8 Jan Peter Balkenende, Prime Minister of the Netherlands
9 Kgalema Motlanthe, President of South Africa
10 Barack Obama, President of the United States of America
11 Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Prime Minister of Turkey
12 Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister of India
13 Meles Zenawi Prime Minister of Ethiopia
14 Lee Myung-bak, President of Korea
15 Nicolas Sarkozy, President of France
16 King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia
17 Hu Jintao, President of China
18 Gordon Brown, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
19 Luiz Innacio Lula da Silva, President of Brazil
20 Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, President of Indonesia
21 Felipe Calderon, President of Mexico
22 Cristina Kirchner, President of Argentina
23 Dmitry A Medvedev, President of Russia
It was this sort of maths that got us here in the first place..
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The gathering of fools
Anyone remember the Lisbon Strategy?
This was a grand European Union programme, adopted by the European Council in Lisbon 9 years ago(March 2000), the objective was to turn the EU into
"the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy" in the world by 2010.
It set a number of specific targets, such as average annual economic growth of 3 per cent and achieving full employment by 2010.
Today of all days , would it be cruel and gratuitous to mock the EU's lofty ambitions.